
Posted at November 29, 2022 by Nathania Desnauli Tarihoran

Part-time jobs are becoming more and more common as a primary source of income or as an addition to a wide range of professional options. This is due to their typically flexible work schedules, lower stress levels, and the possibility of a full-time career opening up in the future. Here are some tips on how to begin looking for part-time employment.
- Consider your schedule
You should have an idea of balancing your schedule in terms of lectures, seminars, studying, and exam preparation if you intend to work part-time while you are a student. You'll need to be able to work enough to support your studies, but you don't want to work so much that you can't devote enough time to your studies. Recognize that you require time to unwind, socialize, and go out. Being in work or study mode all the time can be exhausting and reduce the value of both activities.
- Update your resume or CV and online profiles
Update your resume before submitting any job applications, and make sure your references are aware that a potential employer may contact them. Although you should create unique cover letters and resumes for each position you apply for, the process will go more quickly and easily if you have a current foundation document to work from. Think about changing your social media profiles to match your education, experience, and skills. Additionally, make sure you erase or hide any posts, images, or videos on your social media profiles that can harm your job application. Make sure any marketable abilities you possess are highlighted on your CV.
- Consider your long-term goals.
List your long-term goals, both professionally and personally. The list you create might also assist you in narrowing your job search strategy. Research which industries are expected to continue growing over the next ten years and which you might probably avoid due to rising automation or other considerations, for instance, if you wish to work in the same business in ten years.
- Find a job that complements your degree
Finding part-time work that is beneficial to your studies or existing job can significantly improve your career prospects. Your part-time work may enhance your current position or degree in a variety of ways, depending on the field, your level of expertise, or your overall objectives. For instance, having part-time work experience in a legal environment while pursuing a law degree will provide you a significant edge once you have graduated. Your life will have more purpose and direction if you can find a part-time job that is complementing in some way. This will help you succeed in your career development.
- Expand your network
In order to get a part-time job, networking is a crucial step. Utilize all of your accessible channels. These can be members of the family, close friends, former coworkers, or even past employers. This could be accomplished through direct communication or social media platforms and could prove to be a very effective tactic. After all, unless you inquire, you'll never know what resources are available to you. Young people who have the endorsement of a reliable person are significantly more comfortable being hired by employers.
There are a number of advantages to working part-time, some of which you might not have thought of throughout your job search: You can more easily locate a part-time job that meets your availability and lifestyle because they typically give you a lot more freedom with your work hours. While earning money, a part-time job enables you to pursue other interests. There are many students who work part-time while pursuing their education, so it could be education, the chance to spend more time with your kids or family, or the chance to volunteer for a cause you believe in. We therefore hope that these tips will help you as you begin your search for part-time employment.
References: (2018, July 20). How to Find the Right Part-Time Job For You. Top Universities. Retrieved October 13, 2022, from
Great Tips for Getting Your First Part-Time Job. (2021, August 19). The Balance. Retrieved October 13, 2022, from
How to Choose a Career: 7 Ways to Narrow Your Options. (2022, August 16). Coursera. Retrieved October 13, 2022, from
How to find a part-time job. (n.d.). Retrieved October 13, 2022, from
How to Find a Part-Time Job - Glassdoor Career Guides. (2021, August 24). Retrieved October 13, 2022, from
Top 12 Tips For Finding Part Time Jobs | Search Consultancy. (n.d.). Retrieved October 13, 2022, from