Posted at July 01, 2021 by Nathania Angel
Every year, as our predecessor left to continue their journey towards their desired yet unpredictable future, they put their trust to the new generation of BNEC Board of Management to continue their legacy.
Are you familiar with the words “Cadre”? Based on our little observation, the name doesn’t seem to ring any or anything to most people. It is a foreign name for what people used to acknowledge as Leadership Preparation (or LDKS). In BNEC, our leadership preparation is just slightly different from other organizations in Binus, taking a little extraordinary activity concept to teach our new leaders in an event called “Cadre Forming.”
Deriving from its original meaning, “cadre” means a small group of people specially trained for a particular purpose or profession. Cadre Forming in BNEC is a basic training of leadership, as well a learning platform for our new activists. They will be trained and prepared to maintain the presidency with the guidance of the senior Board of Management.
This year, with the catchphrase, “Together, Embrace Your Extraordinary!”, BNEC want to emphasize the togetherness and bond between all new BoMs in their every activity. The togetherness and bonding referred to here is that they are not only close as a BNEC organization, but a family, where they can eliminate the value of individualism in each of them. From this togetherness and bonding, it is hoped that they can embrace each other by building, guiding, supporting, having ethics, and respect, so that they can develop themselves together to become extraordinary individuals.
After getting the fundamental values for those to run the Board of Management, the Cadre Forming ends with everyone gathered to make a scrapbook to record their most memorable moments with their friends during BNEC’s Cadre Forming.