Posted at August 15, 2022 by Tiffani Tirta Chanjaya
AuIntervarsity 2022 is an event held by the Aurgumentum Indonesia Debating Repository on June 4, 2022 – June 6, 2022. This event was held online due to the Covid-19 pandemic and uses various platforms, such as Zoom Meetings and WhatsApp to support the needs of participants. Just like the name of the organizer, the branch of the competition being contested is Debate.
This competition was attended by more than 100 participants from all over Indonesia, including from BINUS University represented by BNEC talents. The talents won various competition categories which of course brought the good name of BINUS University and BNEC. Some of the categories won were Open Finals Best Speaker & 2nd Best Speaker by Muhammad Batara Mulya, 5th Best Speaker by Bobby Ongkojoyo, and Open 1st Runner Up by the BINUS Batara & Bobby team. Their victory must have been the result of their hard work all this time to practice and never give up.
Are you interested in being like them? Don’t forget to join the Talent Community to learn together to improve skills which of course can be useful in participating in English language competitions at national and international levels. See you in the community!